Progressive Women
Welcome to St Johns County and our History. St Johns county has played a major role in many historical events over the past 450+ years. You now have an opportunity to be a part of a new chapter of St Johns county's history. The Democratic Women's Club is a very diverse, energetic, and active group of Women who are working for issues to affect each and every one of us. Mental Health, Homeless, Abuse, Healthcare, Education, Voter Participation, Prison Reform, and Environment are just some of the issues.
The conclusion of this election cycle is not what we envisioned. However, each of us make a difference in everything that we do. Our attitude, energy, and involvement will decide which direction our community goes. After Hurricane Matthew, our communities have worked together and we continue to do so. Political divisions were not part of the equation. We each wanted to work together to make sure that life was a positive experience. That is our life challenge going forward. Together we can work to move our community to work together as a team and to recognize the needs and ways to correct them. Judgment needs to be left behind and a reality that our country must work together. YOU are a valuable part of the present and the future.
Join the Democratic Women's Club of St Johns County and help us work to make a Difference.
Men and Women Behind Florida's Civil Rights Movement

New Dems Work Group
Phone Banking and Letter Writing
Sea Level Rise Map Sources.....